Hello, and welcome to my source page. My name is abbreviated from Synergy to just Syn for simplicity. I am probably not the kind of source that you are used to dealing with. I operate a little differently and some might say a LOT different. My entire operation is customer-centric. I look at things from a customer’s point of view, what they might like or dislike, and respond accordingly. I am not the cheapest by any means, nor do I want to be. There are people that only buy gear that is the cheapest and they resell it at their local gym without a second thought to quality and workmanship. They admit to having no loyalty and try to negotiate every order. There are sources that do an amazing job supplying those guys but I don’t even entertain the requests, instead choosing to focus on guys that buy a cycle or a couple of vials. I remain small so that I can focus on providing world-class service to the small buyers because I love what I do.